
International Muslim History Month™️ (IMHM) serves as an indispensable platform, not only for recognizing the remarkable contributions of Muslim men and women but also for challenging and dismantling the pervasive narrative of Islamophobia that persists on a global scale. Founded by the nonprofit, World Hijab Day Organization, IMHM stands as a beacon of resilience and solidarity, dedicated to reshaping perceptions and fostering intercultural understanding.

In a world too often marked by division and prejudice, IMHM emerges as a bold assertion of the enduring legacy of Muslim scholars, innovators, leaders, and artists who have shaped human civilization across epochs. From the golden age of Islamic scholarship to the present day, Muslim individuals have made indelible marks in fields ranging from science and mathematics to literature and the arts, enriching the tapestry of human achievement.

By dedicating the month of May to celebrate these contributions, IMHM not only honors the past but also lays the foundation for a more inclusive and equitable future. Through a diverse array of educational initiatives, cultural events, and advocacy campaigns, IMHM amplifies the voices of those often marginalized and overlooked, shedding light on their invaluable contributions to the advancement of knowledge, culture, and society.

Moreover, IMHM’s recognition by the State of New York since 2021 signifies a crucial step forward in institutionalizing the acknowledgment of Muslim history and heritage. By officially endorsing this initiative, policymakers affirm the importance of combatting Islamophobia and promoting mutual respect and understanding among diverse communities.

At its core, IMHM represents a collective endeavor to challenge stereotypes, bridge divides, and build bridges of empathy and solidarity across cultures and faith traditions. By celebrating the richness and diversity of Muslim history, IMHM invites individuals of all backgrounds to join in a shared journey of discovery and appreciation, fostering a more inclusive and compassionate world for generations to come.