Founder’s Message

Nazma Khan, Founder of World Hijab Day Organization

Do you recall what you learned about Islam in your history class? Many educational institutions worldwide, particularly in the west, tend to overlook the positive contributions of Muslims throughout our rich history. Think about figures like Al-Khwarizmi, the founder of algebra, Ibn Khaldun, a pioneer in sociology, and Ibn Al-Haytham, the father of modern optics. They represent just a fraction of Islam’s vast and glorious contributions to the world.

Allow me to share a story about a Palestinian sister named Halime, living in the southern part of America. She blends in easily, often mistaken for being Italian, but she conceals her Muslim identity due to fear. Her school environment, filled with staunch Trump supporters, makes her apprehensive about revealing her true self. After Trump’s election, her Civics classroom experience left her in tears, as the teacher made hurtful remarks about Muslims being sent back to their countries.

Sadly, this narrative resonates with many Muslim students in the United States and other parts of the world. How can society flourish when individuals are afraid to express their identity? Discrimination based on religion, name, attire, race, or skin color hinders societal progress.

I firmly believe that awareness and education are the keys to eradicating hate and fostering positive change. Reflecting on our past reveals a history filled with dreamers, believers, and innovative men and women. Courageous giants, undeterred by the notion of being seen as threats, paved the way for wonders we enjoy today. By delving into this history, we can rediscover our identity and summon the bravery to proudly call ourselves Muslims today.

Therefore, I propose commemorating May as International Muslim History Month™️ (iMHM). This month offers an opportunity to educate ourselves and others about authentic Islamic history, the events, personalities, and contributions that shaped societies. My hope is that through this initiative, we can build bridges of understanding and strengthen relationships with our non-Muslim neighbors.

Let us unite in acknowledging May as International Muslim History Month™️ (iMHM) and celebrate the transformative contributions Muslims have made to the world throughout time.

With love,
Nazma Khan
Founder & CEO, World Hijab Day Organization